Embracing Technology & the Future of Family Law
Noted family lawyer Randy Kessler discusses embracing technology as a crucial strategy as the business and practice of family law evolves. You can read the video transcript here.
Noted family lawyer Randy Kessler discusses embracing technology as a crucial strategy as the business and practice of family law evolves. You can read the video transcript here.
Here is a blog entry I was asked to write by LinkedIn. It was published there earlier this week: I consider myself an early adopter. It is fun to try new things, to explore, and it keeps me in the know. Years ago, no one had websites. Then they began gaining in popularity, but lawyers […]
The landscape of evidentiary tools available in today’s divorce cases is rapidly evolving, and the courts in this country are becoming more openly accepting of them. With the advent of social tools like Facebook and Twitter, incriminating evidence has never been easier to obtain. You now must be extremely mindful and filter the information and […]
Knowledge is power and we should all be as knowledgable as we can about the laws that so vitally affect families, especially children.
What if technology and science progress to the point where paternity can be established “the morning after” or at one month of pregnancy?
But as a divorce lawyer who has practiced family law since before the Internet, I don’t think human nature has changed, or been changed by Facebook.
It was also a time to reflect. I have chaired this program for about ten years. When I was first involved, many attendees did not have email and most did not have a website.
This internationalization of child birth, adoption and reproduction may be a very good thing. It seems very well intended. The problem is with the unintended consequences.
The topic of our presentation? How can/does regular and social media affect our business and our entertainment/athlete clients?
1978. That was the first time in the history of the world that a child was conceived outside of a mother’s body, with a donated/borrowed egg and then successfully carried through pregnancy to life.