CPA Seminar

Tomorrow I will be lecturing before Georgia CPAs. Unfortunately, lawyers and CPAs often fear each other. This is a shame since we can so often both assist our clients, especially when we work well together (I have blogged about this previously). I get excited when I have an opportunity to meet other professionals that can help me do my job better. And that is how I view CPAs (professionals who can help me do my job better, and thereby help our mutual clients).

I am excited to be working with the Georgia Society of CPAs and AICPA (for a program in Boston in three weeks, and in Las Vegas in May) and NACVA on various programs. Every time I attend a seminar for professionals other than lawyers, I learn so much. Tomorrow should be more of the same. And the best part is, I always learn something, not only from the presentations, but from the interaction between sessions and before and after the program. All of our lawyers are encouraged to attend as many family law related CLE events as they can and I think and hope, it makes us a better firm.