(From our LinkedIn Influencer Post): What a few weeks of legal seminars!
A few weekends ago I was in Chicago for a presentation to the Sports Lawyers Association in Chicago. It was snowing outside and raining knowledge inside. I sat in on many of the other presentations and learned a lot about sports law along with 850 other lawyers and law students. Then the next week and weekend were spent at the annual Georgia Family Law Institute in Amelia Island, Florida with over 600 other Georgia Family Law attorneys (including most of the lawyers from our firm). And then the following week was spent presenting at the Alabama annual Family Law Program, speaking to their judges on “Things Family Law Attorneys would like you to know”. The program agenda can be viewed at http://www.alafamlaw.org/DOB%202014%20Agenda%20-%20FINAL%20w-vendors%20through%204-21-14.pdf. I then sat in on the other presentations and learned about national and local trends in family law in our neighboring state.
Then of course it has been back to the office for work and to implement many of the good ideas and tips learned at these programs. Attending and presenting at seminars is very valuable, but my passion is truly in the practice of law. I’ll look forward to the trials (and tribulations) of practicing without a seminar break for a while. But even while I’m away at programs, we are fortunate to have lawyers working around the clock and keeping me well in the loop on cases in which I’m involved. And the iPad, iPhone and IMac certainly keep me connected.
The balance is to be able to stay up with current trends in the law, locally and nationally and to use that knowledge and the tips learned, to better assist our clients. Hopefully the things learned at these Continuing Legal Education seminars help me and my firm provide better service to our clients. It is for them that we try to be the best we can be. And we are always learning. As they say, it is a law “practice”, since we are always trying to improve.