Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
On April 27, 2012, the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia is hosting a seminar that addresses some of the most important issues that exist in family law, and in society as a whole: Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse. The program will include such relevant speakers as Dalia Racine, Assistant District Attorney, Crimes Against Children Unit, DeKalb County, Decatur, Kelly Kinnish, Ph.D., Clinical Director, Georgia Center for Child Advocacy, Atlanta and DeQuanda Sanders, Adult Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse, Atlanta.
How do we prevent the abuse of children? Knowledge, action and awareness. This program will educate and illuminate this terrible blight on mankind. No child should be abused, and anything that can be done to reduce the odds of it happening to any child is worth doing. This seminar is but a small piece of the answer, but it may be a start. Please consider attending and learning and sharing your insights. And let’s all work together to eliminate this problem (which is an understatement of the issue).