The Stream

(Copied from my LinkedIn Influencer Post): I was asked last week to participate in a discussion on “The Stream“, a news show on Aljazeera America, on how divorce affects children. It will air next week. “The Stream” (it is a series, like “Nightline”, etc.) is a neat show with a great format involving guests, anchors and social media participation by viewers. The hosts do a great job of keeping the conversation moving, involving the viewers and the 3 guests (me, an expert who wrote the book, and a child of divorce- those are three separate guests) covering the topic in a comprehensive way. I was asked to be on as the author of Divorce: Protect Yourself, Your Kids and Your Future. The anchors and the guests interact with each other and the audience viaTwitter and other social media.

The issue covered in this show is really about how divorce affects children in ways most people do not consider. How it can change their outlook on life, love and relationships. It is an underexplored topic and I hope more stories on this issue surface since children always bear the unintended consequences of divorce and understanding this is the first step to reducing the negative impact divorce has on children.

Here are the details for when the show airs:

It will air Monday 9/8 at 12:30p EST, and Wed. 9/10 at 12:30p EST and Saturday 9/11. Here’s how to find out how to watch: