ABA Section Officers Meeting
It is great to be around so many lawyers who are committed to improving the practice of law.
It is great to be around so many lawyers who are committed to improving the practice of law.
I get excited when I have an opportunity to meet other professionals that can help me do my job better.
Unfortunately, the symbolic gesture of closure for many divorcing parties in the U.S. is a trial.
The bottom line is that change is inevitable and when it is as significant as a divorce, everything changes.
But once settlement efforts are exhausted, trial becomes inevitable.
A Georgia Public Broadcasting article suggests birth rates and divorce rates are down in this poor economy. But is this a good thing? We must remember that divorce, is a legal proceeding, not a determinative identification of which marriages are stable and which are not. Perhaps the economy is preventing some folks from filing legal […]
Wouldn’t we prefer that those in the know help guide the rest of us?
These cases are so important and time passes so fast that unless we as family law attorneys understand the rules and laws, children may go unreturned for too long, and in many cases they may never be returned.
…she now claims that a sequel to the movie “Wall Street” qualifies as related to work he did before the divorce. I don’t buy that argument.
I encourage anyone who has an opportunity to improve our system to volunteer to do so.